clinical & medical bags
Norpol Packaging manufacture bespoke polythene bags used in the NHS. We supply products specially designed to meet the demands of the healthcare sector. You will find our products used every day in hospital laboratories, on hospital wards, the pharmacy, sterile services, clinics, and in most hospital departments. You will also find our products used in GP practices, care homes, nursing homes, and in veterinary surgeries and pet crematoriums.
Experience and understanding of manufacturing bags for the healthcare industry means we are able to meet the stringent needs of all busy hospital departments and laboratories. We are able to provide a wide variety of products whilst understanding the importance of quality and reliability in healthcare.
high quality bags
Norpol Packaging uses the highest quality extruded film to produce bags for the healthcare industry. Combined with excellent manufacturing equipment and expertise, our bags provide strength, security and integrity.
Specimen bags for all departments.
Bio hazard bags.
Clinical and sanitary waste disposal bags.
Bags for the safe and secure transportation in the world of healthcare.
Self-seal adhesive strips.
Bespoke print including important warning symbols, handling instructions instructions, and waste instructons.
Produced in a wide range of bespoke and standard sizes.
Strong sealed edges, providing a leak proof bag to protect both the contents and the people handing the products.